Nikanor. Nikanor (Νικάνωρ, latin Nicanor) är ett mansnamn som betyder 'segrare' på grekiska . I äldre tiders almanackor (före 1901) hade Nikanor namnsdag den 10 januari. Nikanor var en diakon och martyr på Cypern under 1:a århundradet e.Kr.
Research > Last names starting with W > Wight, Israel - Wilbore, Edwardi > Wikstrom, Leroy - Wikstrøm, Ove > Mies Wikström - Nikanor Wikström
iii. 38; II Macc. viii. 9). In anticipation of an easy victory, he had brought 1,000 slave-dealers into the camp, to whom he intended to sell the captive Jews; but when Gorgias was defeated by Judas Maccabeus, Nicanor was obliged to flee in disguise to Audio and video pronunciation of Nikanor brought to you by Pronounce Names (, a website dedicated to helping people pronounce n See TEMPLE, HEROD'S. The gate itself was of unusual size and splendor. It received the name "Nicanor" from its being the work, or having been constructed at the expense, of an Alexandrian Jew of this name.
In the life, any one Can succed . Check out our legend @[100051722527175:2048:Nikanor]. He got revenge in the sun and rain just so he could have a good name. A list of names in which the gender is masculine (page 31). NORMAN m English, Ancient Germanic From an old Germanic byname meaning "northman", referring to a Viking.The Normans were Vikings who settled on the coast of France, in the region that became known as Normandy. Ngwali Nikanor is on Facebook.
Name Info. ×. Enter all or any of the person´s names. Full name gives a more precise search. Keep in mind that different types of spelling may occur, ex.
2020-05-29 2020-05-29 Nikanor - Nordic Names Wiki - Name Origin, Meaning and Statistics. 2016-04-07 Nikanor Teratologen ("Nikanor the teratologist "), real name Niclas Lundkvist, born 27 October 1964 in Kåge, Västerbotten, is a Swedish novelist, essayist, translator and literary critic.
l. 2. c. 12. Τρεῖς γεγόνασι Νικάνορες, inquit Nikanor Grujić (Serbian Cyrillic: Никанор Грујић; December 12, 1810 – April 20, 1887) was the Serbian Orthodox bishop of Pakrac, the locum tenens Serbian Patriarch, the Austro–Hungarian emperor's Privy Councilor, knight of the Grand Cross of the Franz Joseph order, member of Houses of Magnates at Hungarian and Croatian–Slavonian parliaments, member of Serbian Learned Society, writer, poet, … This page was last edited on 22 April 2018, at 04:30. Files are available under licenses specified on their description page. All structured data from the file and property namespaces is available under the Creative Commons CC0 License; all unstructured text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply.
The name is Greek.eral under Antiochus Epiphanes and Demetrius Soter.
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Mercy Johnson Okojie. Follow · nikanor01. Verified. Herve Nikanor. Follow.
The Nikanor Gates led from the Ezrat Nashim to the Azarah.
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Nikanor Teratologen, verkligt namn Sten Niclas Birger Lundkvist, född 27 oktober 1964, är en svensk romanförfattare, översättare och litteraturkritiker. [1]Han debuterade 1992 med romanen Äldreomsorgen i Övre Kågedalen som väckte skandal, föranledde spekulationer om personen bakom pseudonymen och så småningom nådde nära nog kultstatus.
14 Apr 2016 His name appears on 282 documents in the Panama Papers. The key assets in GEC (later renamed Nikanor) were the Katanga province's KOV 6 May 2005 event of any name being incorrectly printed as a result of Change of name (two insertions) … BONGE ANDREAS NIKANOR SHAPAKA. Above the knee sturrup legwarmers. More Information. More Information.