Scandinavian journal of public health (Online). Identifiers. ISSN : 1651-1905. Linking ISSN (ISSN-L): 1403-4948 


17 Mar 2021 The Public Health Agency has requested that the government lift as to other Nordic and EU countries when the ban expires on March 31st, 

The aim of the journal is to stimulate debate and dissemination of knowledge in the public health field in order to improve efficacy, effectiveness and efficiency of public health interventions to improve health outcomes of populations. A cross‐sectional e‐post questionnaire study was carried out on a national sample of public health nurses and their collaborators. A total of 849 public health nurses (43.64%), 113 doctors at clinics and school health services (54.8%), 519 child protection workers (16.34%) and 115 midwives (41.3%) returned the questionnaire. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, 2010; 38(Suppl 3): 8–24 ORIGINAL ARTICLE The second version of the Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire There is no publication fee for submiting manuscript to Scandinavian Journal of Public Health. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health is Subscription-based (non-OA) Journal. Publishers own the rights to the articles in their journals.

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Scandinavian journal of public health 41 (3), 233-239, 2013. 61, 2013. Depressive symptoms postpartum among parents are associated with marital separation:  Centre for Epidemiology. Stockholm. SWE; Source: SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH, Vol 67, N° Suppl., 2006, pages 104-112,  Eklund Karlsson, Leena, Economic poverty among children and adolescents in the Nordic countries, Scandinavian Journal of Public Health., 46:20_suppl, s. Scandinavian Journal of Public health (Skandinaviska journalen för folkhälsa) har publicerat en artikel av den kanadensiske forskaren Dennis  after long-term sick-listing due to minor mental disorders. Overview of attention for article published in Scandinavian Journal of Public Health,  Frontiers In Public Health Support and resources to promote and sustain health among nurses and Nordic journal of nursing research.

Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, 2007; 35(Suppl 69): 165–174 ISSN 1403-4956 print/ISSN 1651-2553 online/07/010165-10 # 2007 Taylor & Francis DOI: 10.1080/14034950701356385. data and demographic data from the longitudinal Agincourt health and demographic surveillance

Campus Helsingborg. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health journal page at PubMed Journals.

Scandinavian journal of public health

Scandinavian Journal of Public Health (SCAND J PUBLIC HEALT)

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Scandinavian journal of public health

Forthcoming in Scandinavian Journal of Public Health. of workplaces is related to a number of health outcomes, including sickness absenteeism and mortality. 10, Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, journal, 0.593 Q1, 60, 74, 248, 4149, 399, 241, 1.63, 56.07, SE. 11, European Journal of Spatial Development  Organising Healthcare with Multi-Professional Teams: Activity Coordination as a Logistical Flow. C Gadolin, E Wikström. Scandinavian Journal of Public  A study of public preferences in Sweden, Forthcoming in Nordic Journal of Health Economics. Johansson, N. Jakobsson, N. and Svensson,  Organising Healthcare with Multi-Professional Teams: Activity Coordination as a Logistical Flow.
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ORIGINAL ARTICLE. Financing intersectoral health promotion programmes: Some reasons   Scandinavian journal of public health (Online).

Not only does it reflect the wide range of high quality research conducted in Scandinavian countries but frequently also reports on research in developing settings. Publishing frequency: 8 issues a year Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, 2011; 0: 1–9 . ORIGINAL ARTICLE. Needs and care of older people living at home in Iceland.
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Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, Supplement . Country. United Kingdom Universities and research institutions in United Kingdom. Subject Area and Category. Medicine.

Aktivitet: Referentgranskning av publikationer och  Scandinavian journal of public health 46 (7), 680-689, 2018. 27, 2018. The Role of E‐commerce for the Growth of Small Enterprises in Ethiopia. YA Hassen, A  Alcohol and type 2 diabetes: The role of socioeconomic, lifestyle and psychosocial factors2019Ingår i: Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, ISSN 1403-4948,  av R Arman · 2013 · Citerat av 11 — Managerial communication practices.