Image via Activision. At one point, the DL Q33 was the best sniper rifle in COD Mobile. However, as the seasons have gone on, more snipers have been introduced that are just a tad better than the DL.
AK-47-gevär - används 11,4 miljarder gånger; RUS-79U SMG - används 11,1 miljarder gånger; DL Q33 prickskyttegevär - används 9 miljarder gånger
weapons call 11 Oct 2019 3. Sniper Rifle: DL Q33. Damage: 85; Fire rate: 15; Accuracy: 60; Range: 45; Mobility: 95. dl {. margin: 0 0 24px;. } dt {. font-weight: bold;. } dd {.
png الصور المرسومة للأسلحة من كول أوف ديوتي على خلفية شفافة dl q33. بندقية سوداء رائعة المظهر DL Q33. DL Q33 termasuk juga ke dalam senjata sniper dan memiliki statistik yang setara dengan M21 EBR. Hanya saja perbedaan DL Q33 dan M21 EBR terletak pada fisik senjata, dimana pada DL Q33 memiliki dudukan depan untuk menopang senjata. Kalau kamu bukan tipe pemain dengan mobilitas tinggi maka kamu lebih cocok menggunakan DL Q33 dibandingkan DL Q33 ini adalah jenis senjata sniper yang memiliki damage tertinggi. Untuk menambah besaran damage-nya, kalian harus meng-upgrade senjata ini agar memiliki damage yang semakin besar.
uk wonder The decision to leave him on the DL came after Rodriguez scratched himself from g31/g33/q33/q35 graphics controller driver for windows 7[/url] ][/img][/url]
Sweet Sniper is an Epic DL Q33 blueprint in Call of Duty Mobile. Always up to date for the latest patch. This free online PNG to PDF converter allows to combine multiple images into a single PDF document. Besides PNG, this tool supports conversion of JPG, BMP, GIF, and TIFF images.
DL-Q33 . 1 day ago. Every sniper has that bug, I always use the locus but sometimes it misaligned with the center but in the few seconds it will got back. 1. Reply.
At one point, the DL Q33 was the best sniper rifle in COD Mobile. However, as the seasons have gone on, more snipers have been introduced that are just a tad better than the DL. DL Q33 real life name?What is it based on/its name? Been trying to find with google but no luck. 3 comments.
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SocialsFB page: WoopiieeInstagram: @woopiiee_____If you enjoy the video drop some like and hit the subscribe button, appreciate all th
Call of Duty: Mobile Season 2 Buffs and Nerfs | DRH, YKM Stock, DL Q33 March 10, 2021 by Saad Muzaffar This is our latest list of COD Mobile Season 2 buffs and nerfs for weapons and everything you need to know about new additions, changes, throwables, scorestreaks and perks. And that's how the Dl Q33 - Deep Shark was born ( tbh, no skins will do, but delays won't) Humor.
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Log in or sign up to leave a comment Log In Sign Up. Sort by. best. level 1. QQ9. 9 points · 2 months ago. Will come mid October when they celebrate it.