Grieg Seafood ASA is one of the world’s leading fish farming companies, specializing in salmon. The company has an annual production capacity of 100,000 tons gutted weight. It is present in Norway, British Columbia in Canada and in Shetland. The headquarter is located in Bergen, Norway. Grieg Seafood ASA is listed at the Oslo Stock Exchange.


View today's stock price, news and analysis for Grieg Seafood ASA (GSF). Barron's also provides information on historical stock ratings, target prices, company earnings, market valuation and more.

Stay up to date on the latest stock price, chart, news, analysis, fundamentals, trading and investment tools. Oslo Stock Market & Finance report, prediction for the future: You'll find the Grieg Seafood ASA share forecasts, stock quote and buy / sell signals below. According to present data Grieg Seafood ASA's GSF shares and potentially its market environment have been in bearish cycle last 12 months (if exists). 2021-03-26 · Our headquarter is located in Bergen, Norway. Grieg Seafood ASA was listed at the Oslo Stock Exchange in June 2007. More than 900 people work in the Company throughout our regions.

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According to present data Grieg Seafood ASA's GSF shares and potentially its market environment have been in bearish cycle last 12 months (if exists). 2021-03-26 · Our headquarter is located in Bergen, Norway. Grieg Seafood ASA was listed at the Oslo Stock Exchange in June 2007. More than 900 people work in the Company throughout our regions. Company profile page for Grieg Seafood ASA including stock price, company news, press releases, executives, board members, and contact information 2020-10-21 · Grieg Seafood ASA was listed at the Oslo Stock Exchange in June 2007. More than 900 people are employed globally. Sustainable farming practices are the foundation of Grieg Seafood's operations.

Grieg Seafood ASA is a Norway-based fish farming company active in the seafood industry. It is the parent company of the Grieg Seafood Group (the Group). The Group’s business activities relate to the production and trading in the sustainable farming of salmon and trout.

Grieg Seafood ASA: Integrated Annual Report 2020 23/03/2021 Ny Rente korr 23/03/2021 Ny Rente 05/03/2021 Completion of demerger of Ystholmen Felles AS - Notifiable trade 17/02/2021 Grieg Seafood ASA: Mandatory Notification of Trade - primary insiders Grieg Seafood Asa Ord. Grieg Seafood ASA is a Norway based fish farming company. It is engaged in the production and marketing of salmon and trout. It is a producer of farmed salmon and trout, with a production capacity of around 95000 tons gutted weight annually. 2021-03-26 2021-03-11 View the latest Grieg Seafood ASA (GR8) stock price, news, historical charts, analyst ratings and financial information from WSJ. Get Grieg Seafood ASA (GSFO-SE:Stockholmsborsen) real-time stock quotes, news, price and financial information from CNBC.

Grieg seafood asa stock

NO0010365521 - Stock. NOK 83,05. STENGT Grieg Seafood ASA, Boschman, Marvin D. Managing Director Grieg Seafood BC Ltd. Grieg Seafood ASA 

Grieg Seafood Asa Ord. Grieg Seafood ASA is a Norway based fish farming company. It is engaged in the production and marketing of salmon and trout. It is a producer of farmed salmon and trout, with a production capacity of around 95000 tons gutted weight annually. 2021-03-11 · View today's stock price, news and analysis for Grieg Seafood ASA (GSF).

Grieg seafood asa stock

Our cash CFDs stocks are undated transactions that aim to replicate the cash price of the underlying stock, and so they are adjusted for any relevant corporate actions. Grieg Seafood ASA Change: 0.52%, current price: 8.71 € Microsoft strongly encourages users to switch to a different browser than Internet Explorer as it no longer meets modern web and security standards. Therefore we cannot guarantee that our site fully works in Internet Explorer. Grieg Seafood ASA (PK) (GRGSF) stock price, charts, trades & the US's most popular discussion forums. Free forex prices, toplists, indices and lots more. Analysts have been eager to weigh in on the Conglomerates sector with new ratings on Grieg Seafood ASA (GRGSF – Research Report) and Ecolab (ECL – Research Report).Grieg Seafood ASA (GRGSF) In a report released yesterday, Christian Nordby from Kepler Capital maintained a Buy rating on Grieg Seafood ASA, with a price target of NOK148.00.The company’s shares closed last Monday at $10.01 Grieg Seafood ASA (GRGSF) Related Stocks - discover similar stocks, compare dividends and return. Compare momentum and price performance.
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It is a producer of farmed salmon  Grieg Seafood ASA engages in farming of salmon and trout. It operates through the following geographical segments: Rogaland-Norway, Finnmark-Norway,  Grieg Seafood ASA was listed at the Oslo Stock Exchange in June 2007.

Total shareholding after this share purchase is 23 889 shares. 2021-03-12 · Leroy Seafood Group ASA-0.34%: kr42.66B: Sapmer S.A. 3.16%: €34.29M: SalMar ASA-0.92%: kr66.48B: Mowi ASA: 0.10%: kr108.33B: Norway Royal Salmon ASA: 0.10%: kr9.02B Roy-Tore Rikardsen, COO Farming North America, has on 17 February 2021 acquired 4 000 Grieg Seafood ASA shares at NOK 74.60 per share.
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Stock analysis for Grieg Seafood ASA (GSF:Oslo) including stock price, stock chart, company news, key statistics, fundamentals and company profile.

52 Week, 65.9 - 113.0, Mkt Cap of share series 2, 9,813,169,133, Month, 13.44. Year, 75.0 - 90.1, Liquidity  A high-level overview of Grieg Seafood ASA (GRGSF) stock. Stay up to date on the latest stock price, chart, news, analysis, fundamentals, trading and  27 Nov 2020 Grieg Seafood is contemplating a tap issue of up to NOK 500 million under the Company's existing senior unsecured green bond with maturity  1 Dec 2020 Reference is made to the stock exchange notice of 1 December regarding shares for employees 2020. Employees in Grieg Seafood have been  Grieg Seafood ASA, through its subsidiaries, operates as a fish farming company. It engages in the production and sale of Atlantic salmon. The company.