Как и в Grafana, вы можете визуализировать временные ряды прямо в пользовательском веб-интерфейсе Prometheus. Вы можете фильтровать данные 


An open-source monitoring system with a dimensional data model, flexible query language, efficient time series database and modern alerting approach.

# TYPE pg_up gauge pg_up 0 # HELP postgres_exporter_build_info A metric with a constant '1' value labeled by version, revision, branch, and goversion from which postgres_exporter was built. pg_exporter_constant_labels — Метка (константа) Я собирал собственный дашборд для grafana, из того что есть, к сожалению, подходящего ничего не нашел. Тем более, PG_EXPORTER_AUTO_DISCOVER_DATABASES--dumpmaps: 打印内部的指标信息,除了 debug 不要使用,方便排查自定义 queries 相关的问题---constantLabels: 自定义标签,通过 key=value 的形式提供,多个标签对使用 , 分隔: PG_EXPORTER_CONSTANT_LABELS--exclude-databases Monitoring MySQL. Installing MySQL on MySQL database server_ exporter. Installing the exporter software # Create user # groupadd -g 2000 prometheus useradd -u 2000 -M -c "Prometheus agent" -s /sbin/nologin prometheus # Unzip file mkdir -p /ups/app/monitor/ tar -xf mysqld_exporter-0.12.1.linux-amd64.tar.gz -C /ups/app/monitor/ # rename directory cd /ups/app/monitor/ mv mysqld_exporter … Monitoring System based on prometheus & grafana & pg_exporter; Provisioning Solution based on ansible.

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Update prometheus alert rules; Fix alertmanager info links; Fix bugs and typos. add a simple backup script; Offline Installation An open-source monitoring system with a dimensional data model, flexible query language, efficient time series database and modern alerting approach. patch ServiceMonitor resource of pg-exporter-kubelet to look for the http endpoints. log in grafana (initial username/password is admin/admin) show dashboard.

Upgrade to pg_exporter 0.3.1; Upgrade to Grafana 7.3, Ton's of compatibility work; Upgrade to prometheus 2.23, with new UI as default; Upgrade to consul 1.9; Misc. Update prometheus alert rules; Fix alertmanager info links; Fix bugs and typos. add a simple backup script; Offline Installation

Mixed - Select this to query multiple data sources in the same panel. When this data source is selected, Grafana allows you to select a data source for every new query that you add.

Pg_exporter grafana

效果图 部署环境 服务器名称 IP地址 监控指标 部署agent 备注 sht-sgmhadoopcm-01 OS node_exporter 监控服务器、被监控服务器 sht-sgmhadoopnn-01 OS node_exporter 被监控服务器 sht-sgmhadoopnn-02 OS node_exporter 被监控服务器 sht-sgmhadoopdn-01 OS no

Пара скриншотов POWA для примера: PG Monitor是监控系统的自我监控,包括Grafana,Prometheus,Consul,Nginx的监控。 自我监控属于Pigsty企业版特性。 最后修改 2021-03-28: update en docs (f994b54) PG Exporter是Project 项目的基础组件,该项目可能是PostgreSQL最好的开源监视解决方案。 最新的二进制文件和rpms可以在页面上找到。 支持的pg版本:PostgreSQL 9.4+和Pgbouncer 1.8+。 Linux系统进程监视并导出到Prometheus和Grafana Learn about exciting features in Grafana 8.0, be inspired by what community members are building, and so much more. Tutorials Step-by-step guides to help you make the most of Grafana. pg_exporter only built-in with 3 metrics: pg_up,pg_version, and pg_in_recovery.All other metrics are defined in configuration files.You cound use pre-defined configuration file: pg_exporter.yaml or use separated metric query in conf dir. 2021-03-25 · PG_EXPORTER_INCLUDE_DATABASES A comma-separated list of databases to only include when autoDiscoverDatabases is enabled. Default is empty string, means allow all. PG_EXPORTER_METRIC_PREFIX A prefix to use for each of the default metrics exported by postgres-exporter. Grafana asks, “Hey data source, would you send me this data, organized this way?” If the query is properly formed, then the data source responds.

Pg_exporter grafana

安装exporter软件 Нет интеграции с нашей системой мониторинга (мы используем Prometheus для сбора метрик и Grafana для их виуализации).
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Alert thresholds depend on nature of applications. Some queries in this page may have arbitrary tolerance threshold. Building an efficient and battle-tested monitoring platform takes time.

Пара скриншотов POWA для примера: PG Monitor是监控系统的自我监控,包括Grafana,Prometheus,Consul,Nginx的监控。 自我监控属于Pigsty企业版特性。 最后修改 2021-03-28: update en docs (f994b54) PG Exporter是Project 项目的基础组件,该项目可能是PostgreSQL最好的开源监视解决方案。 最新的二进制文件和rpms可以在页面上找到。 支持的pg版本:PostgreSQL 9.4+和Pgbouncer 1.8+。 Linux系统进程监视并导出到Prometheus和Grafana Learn about exciting features in Grafana 8.0, be inspired by what community members are building, and so much more. Tutorials Step-by-step guides to help you make the most of Grafana. pg_exporter only built-in with 3 metrics: pg_up,pg_version, and pg_in_recovery.All other metrics are defined in configuration files.You cound use pre-defined configuration file: pg_exporter.yaml or use separated metric query in conf dir.
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Prometheus, Grafana, Altermanager, and Consul UI are proxied to the corresponding services by Nginx. Internet access. Pigsty is a complex software system. To ensure system stability, Pigsty downloads all dependent packages from the Internet and creates local Yum repositories during the initialization process.

Grafana管理用户的密码. 默认为admin. grafana_plugin. Grafana插件的供给方式. none:不安装插件; install: 安装Grafana插件(默认) reinstall: 强制 postgres: pg_exporter_err. This panel indicates errors scraping postgres exporter. This value indicates issues retrieving metrics from postgres_exporter.