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use "assess" in a sentence We will use the first week of classes to assess your speaking ability. It may take weeks to assess the total damage caused by the earthquake. The purpose of this test is to assess your ability to participate in a discussion on a complex topic.

After they select. Artikel från Give me a sentence and a question Undervisningstips  We designed this test to assess your language ability by measuring your comprehension Each question comprises a sentence with a missing word or words. Writing- Peer Assessment Guide. Students can uses this assessment tool to evaluate a peers writing for content, style, sentence formation, usages, and  This blog post explains the Recalling Sentences subtest in a functional and simple Sentence repetition tasks are a common part of a language assessment. av S Mishra · Citerat av 6 — presented with short lists of sentences and are asked to recall the first or the last mere word or sentence repetitions without assessing the cognitive functions  Aim: To have a court in one Member State take into account a sentence imposed in another Member State in order to assess the offender's criminal record and  av Å Elwér · Citerat av 81 — of sentences and relationships between words within a sentence. (Akmajian et al., 1997).

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Add your answer and earn points. Examples of Assert in a sentence. The lawyer will assert his client’s innocence despite the overwhelming evidence against him. 🔊. In court, the woman will assert the police officer sexually harassed her during the traffic stop. 🔊. It was difficult for the shy young woman to assert herself in class.

Effective Environmental Assessment Tools - critical reflections on short section contains a few sentences on cumulative effects. In this section it is stated that 

2 dagar sedan · Word forms: 3rd person singular present tense assesses, present participle assessing, past tense, past participle assessed 1. verb When you assess a person, thing, or situation, you consider them in order to make a judgment about them.

Assess in a sentence

How does the Commission assess the situation in Russia with regard to human the judicial process – the verdict and the sentence – and their current situation.

High quality example sentences with “assess in a large” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to write better in English English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families The Word "Estimate" in Example Sentences Page 1.

Assess in a sentence

Twenty thousand asses for their carriages. We were asses not to have thought of it when we came in. What a set of barren asses are actors! Men with asses follow caravans and collect it in bags. All asses Examples of assess in a sentence. Watch video clips that show how to use assess in a sentence. Read the captions and think about the collocations (words found in the same sentence as assess).
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Examples of 'assess' in a sentence.

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In the section concerned the sentence “In order to enable the Bank to assess the quality of the team proposed, tenders should include a detailed profile of all 

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