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Verktyget skall vara fastsatt i blocket på sådant sätt att den nedre delen av stampen är 0,30 m från den övre delen av blocket (se figur 11.1). eur-lex.europa.eu The tool shall be fix ed in the block so that t he bottom of the rammer is 0.30 m from the upper f ace o f t he block (s ee Figur e 11.1).
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block translation in English-Spanish dictionary. Showing page 1. Found 234 sentences matching phrase "block".Found in 3 ms. block translation in English - Spanish Reverso dictionary, see also 'block booking',block capitals',block diagram',tower block', examples, definition, conjugation How to Clean Brick and Block (Spanish / English) - YouTube.
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(M) When the starting gun is fired, you need to push against the blocks. Tackar på förhand. Anki.
Meaning and examples for 'to block in' in Spanish-English dictionary. √ 100% FREE. √ Over 1,500,000 translations. √ Fast and Easy to use.
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Translate Text block. See Spanish-English translations with audio pronunciations, examples, and word-by-word explanations. The ultimate lifestyle in a stunning setting. Our stunning two, three and four bedroom apartments and four bedroom penthouses offer the ultimate in contemporary open-plan living. They are flooded with natural light and boast incredible terraces from which to enjoy the warm Spanish sun.
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block translations: manzana, bloque, bloque, bloquear, tapar, bloque [masculine], cuadra [feminine], bloque…. Learn more in the Cambridge English-Spanish Dictionary.
Look up the English to Spanish translation of blocked in the PONS online dictionary. Includes free vocabulary trainer, verb tables and pronunciation function. block block 2 S2 W2 verbo [transitivo] 1 un conducto, una vía (también block up) bloquear (el tráfico, una carretera), tapar (una tubería, el desagüe) • The accident has blocked two lanes of traffic on the freeway. El accidente bloqueó dos carriles de la autopista.
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[of stone] bloque m. [of wood] zoquete m ⧫ tarugo m. (for paving) adoquín m. (butcher’s, executioner’s) tajo m. (= toy) (also: building block) cubo m. Meaning and examples for 'keel block' in Spanish-English dictionary.